Paula Abdul “The Greatest” (Japan Release)
- The Way That You Love Me
- Knocked Out
- Forever Your Girl
- Straight Up

- Opposites Attract
- The Promise Of A New Day
- Blowing Kisses In The Wind
- Spellbound
- Vibeology
- Will You Marry Me?
- Rush Rush
- My Love Is For Real featuring Ofra Haza
- Crazy Cool
- Ain't Never Gonna Give You Up

*Click links to download song clips.
”Straight Up” and “Ain’t Never Gonna Give You Up” written, arranged and produced by Elliot Wolff.
The album was released as limited edition with a small amount of copies produced exclusively for this release.
The album, released exclusively in Japan contains 14 full-length album version cuts of Paula Abdul's most popular songs, minus her hit single, "Cold Hearted" also written and produced by Elliot Wolff.